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Difficult Movements with Clear Aligners
What movements are the hardest with Clear aligners?
Efficacy of clear aligners in controlling orthodontic tooth movement: A
systematic review
Systematic Review by Rossini et al. in 2014 set out to
answer the following clinical research question:
"Is CAT (Clear aligner therapy) effective in controlling
the orthodontic movement in non-growing subjects?"
11 Relevant Publications were included in the study to determine the efficacy of CAT in performing intrusion, extrusion, rotation, tipping and alignment movements.
Effectiveness of Extrusion movements:
-Anterior Extrusive movements had the lowest predictability of 30% (average 0.56mm extrusion attempted)
Effectiveness of Intrusion movements:
-High accuracy of anterior intrusion movement (Mean: ~0.72mm) comparable to traditional techniques
Effectiveness of Bodily movements:
-Upper molar distalisation had the highest predictability of 88% when 1.5mm bodily movement was prescribed
Efficacy of Rotational movements:
-Rotational movements had low predictability especially around rounded teeth (eg. canines)
Rossini et al. recommends to consider using auxillaries (IPR, attachments, elastics, TADs etc.) to improve predictability of orthodontic movements