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Expert tips & tricks for clear aligner success

Understanding Aligner Limitations in Arch Expansion ๐Ÿ“š๐Ÿ”

Understanding Aligner Limitations in Arch Expansion

It is important to recognize the limitations of this method. Let's delve into why aligners might not always be the most efficient tool for arch expansion:

**Efficiency Challenges:**
1. **Limited Movement:** Aligners can struggle with generating the necessary forces to effectively expand the dental arch, especially in cases of significant crowding or skeletal discrepancies.
2. **Dependence on Compliance:** Even with perfect wear, aligners have inherent limitations in their ability to push teeth outward consistently and predictably.
3. **Longer Treatment Times:** Due to the gentler and less forceful nature of aligners, achieving desired results might require more time compared to conventional methods, particularly for substantial expansions.

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